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Global Digital Instruments Flash Alerts are service alarms that remind the user to perform specific engine maintenance. The alerts turn on and off automatically at preset intervals of engine run time. After automatic shutoff, the Flash Alert service interval is reset and will show again when service is due. (For all non-button meters)

The flash Alert system is a reminder to perform a specific service only. The meter will reset itself at the pre-programmed interval.

The meter can be mounted anywhere as long as it is at least 8 inches away from the source of the signal (coil, plug wire, etc.) Do not mount the meter on a surface that is too hot to touch, or over sparkplug wires or ignition coils.

You have to activate the meter by holding down the mode button for 10 sec. until the display shows 000.0.


Some ignition systems fire twice per RPM causing the meter to pick up this extra RPM of the engine. This is the exception and not the rule. If your engine does fire more than once per RPM our standard tachometer will not read accurately. Check your owners manual or with your dealer to determine the firing pattern of your engine.

The wire can usually be extended to 8 feet without affecting performance. Ignition systems vary in signal strength. Also, more wraps around the spark plug wire can increase the signal strength possibly allowing a wire longer than eight feet.

The answer is no! The hour meter and the tachometer work separately. The hour meter always shows the correct operating time, regardless of the function of the tachometer.

We recommend extending the cable no longer than 16 feet (4.90 m). It should be noted that even if the cable is 16 feet long, the routing of the cable must be considered. If it is routed near other cables (in a harness) or near metal, there may be a loss of signal strength.

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